Our Executive Resume Deluxe Package
Carries a 100% Money-Back Guarantee
Our Executive Resume Deluxe Package
Carries a 100% Money-Back Guarantee
ResumeWriterForExecutives guarantees that clients who purchase an Executive Resume Deluxe Package—consisting of Executive Resume, Cover Letter, Email Resume, Executive Web Portfolio, Personal Branding Biography, and LinkedIn Profile—will receive a 500% greater interview response rate than the national direct mail average of 2.5%. That is, we guarantee you will receive at least 13 interview calls on 100 resumes you send out, or 7 calls on 50 resumes.
If after timely mailing or emailing 50 resumes in response to job postings where your qualifications match the position requirements for which we wrote and targeted your resume, you do not receive at least 7 interviews, Creative Image Builders will refund 100% of your money.
To obtain a refund, clients must supply verifiable proof that they sent out 50 resumes to employers with job openings. Verifiable proof would consist of, for example, the original job postings, job posting links, classified ads, return receipts, or other method where contact information is available.
This guarantee is valid for up to three months from the date you receive your resume package and is not applicable to stand-alone services (as your personal brand and positive online identity are equally as important to get hired in today’s world of work as is your resume).
In today’s job market, it takes four things to succeed:
1.An exemplary resume and cover letter that sells you apart from the competition
2.A compelling personal brand written in marketing-savvy language that compels hiring managers to call
3.A positive online identity so your internet presence peaks employers’ interest instead of turning them away
4.Matching achievements in your resume that prove your value
All four are provided to help you catapult your career. And because we know it works, we guarantee it.
Phone: (631) 698-7777 | Fax: (631) 698-0984 | Email: CareerCatapult@aol.com
©2006-Present. Creative Image Builders.com. DUPLICATION PROHIBITED!
Resume Writer For Executives.com
Executive Resumes with a High ROI by a Certified Resume Writer, Personal Branding Pioneer, Industry Leader & Author
Contains all four elements of the Success Quotient (at left) to help you catapult your career.
YOU RECEIVE: Cover Letter, Resume, Email Resume, Executive Web Portfolio, Personal Branding Bio, and your LinkedIn Profile—all with a Money-Back Guarantee.